Difficult Times and the Degeneration of Men, Part 2 – Exegesis of 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Some excellent help for the days we are in.

Aletheia (Truth) Blog

This is the part 2 of the our study on 2 Timothy 3:1-5. The first post looked at verses 1-2 and this post will focus on verses 3-5.

The first word in verse 3 that Paul uses to show us the evil that will be going on as we approach the last days is “unloving”. Mankind will grow more and more unloving. The Greek word that Paul uses is ἄστοργος (astorgos). It combines “A” (alpha) which is a negative that means “without/not” and “storge” which is one of the four Greek words for love (eros, philos, and agape are the other three). “Storge” means “familial love” or “kindred love”. It is an affection that comes naturally, thus it relates to family/kindred. For any of you that have had children, or those of you that have had grandchildren, there is a natural love for the child the moment it is born…

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True Believers vs Belief, Faith, and Truth

When you encounter a True Believer, your first impression and feeling is confusion. It is hard to conceptualize how they can think as they do. It is apparent they have deeply held beliefs that are irrational. If not irrational, then representative of a deep cognitive dissonance. Yet they hold their ideas with a calm unflinching devotion. Their devotion to what they believe is more important to them than what they believe.

No. They don’t believe in The Truth, or what is true. Those require a genuine and true object. What they have come to believe, even though it is false, they believe is ultimately true. The defining characterization for the label of “True Believer” is devotion to their belief that supersedes trustworthiness or realness belonging to the object of their belief.

To help clarify consider Christians. A Christian, in contrast, is defined by the object of their belief: Christ. My belief in God is important. However, it is only important because of the object of that belief. Belief apart from God doesn’t bring me value. Any value I may have comes from the object of my belief. Not solely from the believing. The belief is important. Consider the events of the Apostle Thomas and his encounter with the risen Christ. However, that value is inextricably linked to the reality of the object. Not so for True Believers. Their value is principally in their believing. Not in whether what they believe is actually true or good or valuable. And they cling to their belief religiously.

They are True Believers not because what they believe is genuinely true. Not because their belief is in some way “true”. They have found something to believe and are now devoted to the act of believing. Not devoted to truth (or Truth). Not devoted to real or Reality. They are worshipers of believing and their lives are conformed around their believing.

They believe masks will save them from disease. And no debate is allowed. Contrary ideas that masks do not work must be suppressed. Not because these ideas are truly dangerous. Because these ideas and data and facts challenge their narrative of belief. These ideas are dangerous because they challenge their beliefs. Therefore, to stop your spreading these alternate ideas, the normal restraints on public discourse are abandoned. The True Believer knows in their heart it is acceptable to call the presenter of other ideas “non-caring”, and “hateful”, and “killer of old people and the vulnerable.” Not because any of these are true. It is acceptable, in their belief system, because it is true according to their belief system.

True Believers believe a required vaccine, followed by a mandatory booster, that has an essential booster, supported with a necessary and essential additional booster, and will require another booster, will save them from getting sicker than you. If you raise a concern that any vaccine that must be repeated on a short schedule must not be very effective, you are dangerous. If you combine this with reports of harm associated with the vaccine, you are a denier and dangerous. You must be censored. Not because your point is wrong or bad. You are dangerous because you challenge their belief narrative.

A True Believer believes cow flatulence is irreparably causing the buildup of greenhouse gases that produce a climate change which is going to make their life in 10 years really really hard. And because of cows and pollution from only industrialized nations, we have to drive electric cars. Now! So, who cares if the disadvantaged and poor can’t afford to buy gas to get to work? Climate change!

It’s not what they believe that matters. What matters is that they believe. And the fact that you don’t believe the same is very disturbing to them.

Christians Aren’t Immune to True Believism

True Believers show up in the Christian culture. When a fellow Christian convolutes the Gospel or sanctification or living in community with True Believism, it masquerades as noble and good. It has all the characteristics of the actions of the Pharisees without the intellectual underpinning. As Darrel Harrison and Virgil Walker of Just Thinking Podcast have noted, True Believism in Christianity confuses theology for feel-ology. These feelologians are often so enamored with their belief they are unaware they have lost focus on a proper object of belief.

A few examples of True-Believism spreading among Christians:

Pushing one another to get vaccinated against COVID because it is demanded by loving others.

Shaming other Christians for not wearing a mask and disregarding their personal convictions or other problems, and telling them to get over their discomfort because wearing a mask is a symbol of loving others.

Accusations of using harsh tone when a simple disagreement over an issue has occurred, and insisting on winsomeness in our interactions with non-Christians to the point of dulling truth because it is demanded by loving others.

Critical Race Theory and Wokeism also fall under this very large umbrella issue, as do so many other viral concepts. It is one that reminds of the necessity of having our minds submitted to the will of God along with our hearts. It is a hard work that requires intention. Purpose and understanding.

Instruct me, O Yahweh, in the way of Your statutes,
That I may observe it to the end.
Cause me to understand, that I may observe Your law
And keep it with all my heart.
Cause me to walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
Cause my heart to incline to Your testimonies
And not to dishonest gain.

Psalm 119:33-36 LSB
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